

Pita Limjaroenrat

Pita, a Thai businessman and politician, is the former Leader of the Move Forward Party, the successor to the dissolved Future Forward Party, which won the most votes and seats in Thailand’s 2023 parliamentary election. Pita formed a coalition with other pro-democracy parties to be elected Prime Minister of Thailand but was blocked by the military-dominated Senate, Thailand’s legislative upper house, and has since faced an array of court cases that have sought to suspend him as an MP, ban him from politics, and dissolve Move Forward. Pita remains an MP and active in the party as chief advisor to its current leader.


Jason Hsu

Jason is a former legislator-at-large from Taiwan’s Kuomintang Party with a long career in technology, innovation, and entrepreneurship. He served on the legislature’s Foreign Affairs and National Defense Committees and championed a variety of issues related to education, technology, innovation, sustainability, crypto, and marriage equality. Jason has been a fellow at Harvard University’s Kennedy School of Government and works with Taiwan AI Labs as its chief initiatives officer.


Puma Shen

Puma is a legislator from Taiwan’s Democratic Progressive Party, who has played a major role in Taiwan’s efforts to counter disinformation. Prior to his election, he co-founded the Doublethink Lab, which seeks to strengthen democracy by enhancing digital defenses, as well as Kuma Academy, a civil defense education institution. Puma was also vice chairman of the Taiwan Association for Human Rights.


Mu Sochua

Sochua is a Cambodian oppositionist, who served in Parliament from the city of Battambang from 2013-17, a seat which she previously held from 1998-2003. She was a member and vice president of the Cambodia National Rescue Party until its dissolution, the Sam Rainsy Party, and the royalist FUNCINPEC party. During FUNCINPEC’s coalition with Cambodia’s Hun Sen regime from 1998-2004, she served as Minister of Women and Veteran’s Affairs. Now in exile, she was banned from politics in 2017 by a Cambodian court.


David Smolansky Urosa

David is an oppositionist and activist, elected as Venezuela’s youngest mayor when he led El Hatillo municipality in Caracas from 2013-17. Beginning as a student activist, David later led non-violent protests against the regime of Nicolas Maduro and was forced into exile in 2017, after the regime-controlled Supreme Court issued him with an illegal arrest warrant, voided his passport, removed him from office, and arbitrarily banned him from holding public positions. David served as Special Envoy of the Organization of American States for the Venezuelan migration and refugee crisis.